Text Processing Posted at noon on Saturday, February 5th, 2011

How do you people fulfill your text processing needs?

More specifically: how do you:

  • Write documents?
  • Keep notes?
  • Create presentations (slides)?

These days I mostly write in markdown, and either keep what I write somewhere online (the wiki), or I convert it to LaTeX, and do a bit of fine-tuning if need be. This is handled gracefully by either ikiwiki (which I see mostly as a tool for adding linking and structure to already existent documents, which are intended to be online) or by pandoc, which does the markdown->LaTeX conversion.

I also use the approach described above to handle long documents, which span through several files. Pandoc lets you concatenate several markdown files and outputs a single document, with a proper heading. And LaTeX has \include, \input and \subfiles to cover those cases.

If I need more control over the layout, write math, or any other advanced stuff in the document, I write it using LaTeX. Or I abuse markdown and embed HTML in the markdown code.

Most of the note-taking is done using ikiwiki, or The Vim Outliner.

Regarding slides, I also use LaTeX for that; I create them with the beamer package.

The documents written for any of these tools (markdown/ikiwiki, vim OTL, LaTeX) can be put under version control easily (Git), and since both of them are plain text, even merging different versions and collaborating is a non-issue, provided the collaborator knows a bit of version control.

What do you do, and how do you solve these problems:

  • Version control/group collaboration
  • Advanced formatting/math
  • Generation of online (HTML) and printable (PDF) outputs of the document
  • Create one document from several others (say, put together a book when having one chapter per file).

I'm waiting for your comments.

Traducción Git Book Posted at lunch time on Monday, December 7th, 2009

Empecé con la traducción a español del libro de Git en julio de este año, y estuve juicioso en la tarea hasta mediados de agosto. Decidí retomar (e idealmente terminar) el trabajo ahora. Entonces.

La idea de este post es:

  • Ponerme presión para terminarlo, haciendo de la tarea algo "público".
  • Ubicar potenciales revisores del texto.
  • Ubicar potenciales traductores.

La traducción va adelantada en un, digamos, 25%. Las instrucciones para obtener una copia del repo en el que se está haciendo el trabajo están disponibles aquí.

Older posts

Shooting myself in the foot with git
Posted Monday night, January 19th, 2009