Sentencia C 804 de 2006 de la Corte Constitucional.

Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker

I am distressed to find that some women friends (fortunately not many) treat the use of the impersonal masculine pronoun as if it showed intention to exclude them. If there were any excluding to be done (happily there isn't) I think I would sooner exclude men, but when I once tentatively tried referring to my abstract reader as 'she', a feminist denounced me for patronizing condescension: I ought to say 'he-or-she', and 'his-or-her'. That is easy to do if you don't care about language, but then if you don't care about language you don't deserve readers of either sex. Here, I have returned to the normal conventions of English pronouns. I may refer to the 'reader' as 'he' but I no more think of my readers as specifically male than a French speaker thinks of a table as female. As a matter of fact I believe I do,more often tan not, think of my readers as female, bur that is my personal affair and I'd hate to think that such considerations impinged on how I use my native language.

El poder de la estupidez, y La corte posmoderna, de Alejandro Gaviria.

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