Understanding certain environments (like, e.g. a PC) allows you to make a reasonable estimation of how much time/effort certain tasks should take. And, since you know (feel, understand) that a task requires only a certain amount of effort, you subconsciously refuse to put more than that amount when the way of performing the task demands it.

that might make you lazy. Faced to a task, and forced to a (stupid) way of doing it, you'll instinctively refuse. Well, no, that actually happens when you foresee the amount of effort it would take (link to marihuana legalization).

That's one of the most important things I've found reading joey hess blog. Can it be more optimized? why I am I typing my password again and again day after day? why am I navigating the file system hierarchy chasing a stupid file that I know is somewhere in this dir hierarchy?

connect java functional with stevey syntax blog. I'm by no means as smart as he, and would not have thought of bending Java to do it

That's one of my issues with IDEs. Most of the time I edit the files of my project. Isn't it possible to do it quickly? Yeah, I know that the IDE loads tons of lovable stuff, like debuggers, syntax checkers and so on, but come on! why text edition has to be so goddamn slow?! why on earth do you have to skip all the excellent text editors available and implement your own crippled version? just recently I've started to see people reusing editors in IDEs.

Does a mandarina juice really costs 8KCOP? even considering rent, employees and stuff?

Do computers really have to last 2 years?


Reading some text through the CLI should require a small amount of effort. Risking myself to state the obvious, it should be like this

text = raw_input("What's your name? ")

instead of this



Its like the nolc said, the F*ing Age. Just another way of saying it.