First time setup for IRC, tailored for FreeNode

Adding a server: /server add freenode

To auto-identify in FreeNode, add a command that gets run right after server-connect: /set irc.server.freenode.command "/msg nickserv identify LE_PASSWORD_HERE"

To auto-join specific channels, add them to the irc.server.freenode.autojoin setting.

/set irc.server.freenode.autojoin "#vim,#i3"

The FreeNode identification (msg nickserv thingy) takes a bit of time, and that causes problems with autojoin and some channels, e.g., those that only allow authenticated users to join.

To alleviate that, a delay between the execution of irc.server.freenode.command, and the autojoin can be introduced with the following setting (seconds):

/set irc.server.freenode.command_delay 10

Fucking around with settings

/fset * will show you all the settings available, and allows you to scroll, navigate and set them.

The help for each option appears at the top of the window, when you put the cursor over it.

To narrow that down, /fset ROOT_OPTION.*, e.g., /fset irc.* or /fset weechat.*

To close the fset window, q

UI adjustments

Do not show the nicklist bar (column):

/set on

Display only hour and minute as prefix in the messages shown: /set weechat.look.buffer_time_format "%H:%M"

And, if there are many messages sent during the same time, don't print the time for each of them, only for the first:

/set weechat.look.buffer_time_same " "


buffer navigation

/script install
/script autoload

That enables the /go command, which lets you type parts of the name of a buffer and jump to it.

To map the key combo Alt-g to execute that command: /key bind meta-g /go