How to execute an instruction multiple times

The Church Numerals represent integers as compositions of functions, i.e., f(f(f(...))), as many times as the number they represent. When used not as integers, but as functions, they take 2 arguments: 1) the function to execute n times, and 2) the argument passed to the initial call of the function.

Considering this, a possible strategy to execute a LTG instruction multiple times in a single turn is the following:

  1. Create a function that:
    1. Receives a slot number as argument
    2. Calls one of the attack or defense cards of the game
    3. Returns the received argument
  2. Create a Church numeral large enough, pass to it the function defined above, and then pass to it a slot number.

To create a proper Church numeral, one can use the following definitions

_1 = I
SUCC = S(S(K(S))(K))

With this, now one can create, e.g., 256 as a Church numeral:

_2 = SUCC(_1)
_4 = POW(_2)(_2)
_256 = POW(_4)(_4)

All of these definitions were taken from here.

Now for the first part of the problem: a function that takes an argument, calls one of the attack or defense cards, and returns the argument received initially:

dec2 = S(dec)(I)

This last function was suggested by the exploratory search woakas programmed.

Now we can call that function multiple times, in the following fashion:
